New! Anycoin Direct's price pages.

- 5 minute read

Valerie Overgaauw
Digital Marketeer
Valerie Overgaauw

Have you always wondered how the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Ripple has developed throughout the years? Today you can finally find out! Lately, we have been working on creating new pages to teach you more about the price of your favorite coin.

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What can you expect?

First of all, you can see the current exchange rate as well as different developments of the selected currency. Furthermore, we will have a closer look at the price history of your favorite coin, giving you some information about each coin’s origin. Additionally, we will dive deeper into the price developments of the past. Which events caused a positive price effect? Have there been any trends in the price of that specific coin? And of course, a quick look at 2017 and the events that happened thereafter. On our price pages, you can learn more about these topics.

Have you always wondered why cryptocurrency prices fluctuate so much? We have investigated different factors and made a list of the most important ones. For example, did you know that the prices of the other coins are somewhat tethered to the value of Bitcoin?

Finally, we take a look at the future of every coin. The market of cryptocurrency is relatively new and still in development. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the future price for each crypto. However, with the positive price movements in the last weeks, there surely is a positive perspective.

With these different price pages, we hope you will get more insight into the price and its history of these four cryptocurrencies. You can click here to learn more about the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple.