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Buy dYdX?

Want to buy dYdX? At Anycoin Direct you can buy dYdX and purchase the coin with SEPA or credit card. Activate your personal Vault or download the Anycoin App and purchase dYdX within seconds.

Currently, the price of dYdX stands at €0.755 and has a market capitalization of €329 Million. In the past 24 hours, €33.6 Million has traded for dYdX.

How can I store dYdX?

The safest way to store dYdX is with a hardware wallet. However, if you are new to the world of crypto and want us to manage things for you, the Anycoin Vault is the easiest option for you. With Anycoin Direct, you don't have to worry: store dYdX securely in our Anycoin Vault.

Can I buy dYdX with iDEAL?

Yes, you can buy dYdX with iDEAL at Anycoin Direct. You can also pay with PayPal, SEPA, Sofort, VISA, Mastercard and EPS.

Do you need to buy a whole dYdX?

You don’t need to buy whole cryptocurrencies to trade them. You can buy small parts of any cryptocurrency. For example, on Anycoin Direct, the minimum purchase amount is €10.

Is it safe to buy dYdX?

Yes, buying dYdX is safe with Anycoin Direct as we have advanced security techniques and are officially licensed by The Dutch Central Bank. Buy dYdX safely with us with a wide range of payment options.

Is dYdX legal in the UK?

Yes, dYdX is legal in England. You don't have to worry about the legality of buying dYdX.

Do I have to pay taxes on my cryptos?

Depending on the amount of cryptocurrencies you own and the country you live in, the rules for this are different. Always make sure to get information from your personal government authorities.

Can I buy dYdX anonymously at Anycoin Direct?

No, identification is mandatory for all our clients. We are required to conduct a thorough client due diligence. This is done using the Know Your Customer principle.

Can I do a business transaction with Anycoin Direct?

Yes, it is possible to make a business transaction through Anycoin Direct. While creating an account, you can choose a business account.

Since 2013

Anycoin Direct is officially registered with De Nederlandsche Bank and the Austrian FMA. In addition, we always implement the latest security protocols.


Store your coins in our secure Vault or send them to your personal wallet. You decide how your coins are stored.


Over 500,000 Europeans are part of the Anycoin platform. In addition, Anycoin Direct is the best rated crypto broker in Europe. 

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