OMG icon OmiseGO price (OMG)

Buy OmiseGO
--Past 24h
Data provided by CoinGecko

What is OmiseGO?

OmiseGO is a decentralized, universal payment processing system built on the Ethereum blockchain. OmiseGO enables transparent peer-to-peer transactions in real time. The idea behind OmiseGO is to present a system in which it is possible to use "cash in/cash out" functions between local and digital currencies, without unwanted delays. It aims to provide (healthy) competition between different currencies combined with a user-friendly interface.

Historic ROI
1 year
3 years
5 years
Price (Month)
OmiseGO Market
€34.6 Million
140 Million
Volume 24h
€3.3 Million

Since 2017

OmiseGO has been in circulation since 2017


OmiseGO allows you to make peer-to-peer transactions in real time

Number of OmiseGO tokens

The maximum number of OmiseGO is 140.245.398. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, OmiseGO has already reached this quantity.

When is a good time to get in?

OmiseGO statistics from the last 24 hours

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More about the OmiseGO price

Price history OmiseGO

In 2017, OmiseGO first entered the market with a starting price of $0.59 on July 15, 2017. On January 8th, 2018, it reached an all-time high of $28.35. After this bull run, it reached $1 again in early 2019. In the years following until now, it had several bullish periods with increases up to $13 and $17. As of mid-2022, it already has a stable price around $2.

Amount of OmiseGO tokens

Because OmiseGO all 140,245,398 tokens are already in circulation, so the coin is scarce. Of these, 65.1% were available in the form of a public ICO, 5% went to an airdrop and 29.9% were owned by the project and team.

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