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What is Quant?

Quant is a special coin because it can basically connect all blockchains with each other. This makes it very useful for blockchains and their collaborators.

What is quite unique in the crypto world is that Quant also can connect software to different blockchains. You can think of an accounting program or banking and government software interoperable with Ethereum or another blockchain. Quant aims for universal interoperability.

This makes Quant an excellent player when it comes to blockchain collaboration with the outside world. Quant wants to become the Microsoft of blockchains, or the company that makes working with blockchains as easy as working with (legacy) PC software.

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The history of Quant

In 2015, Gilbert Verdian and Dr Paolo Tasca worked on the fundamentals of Quant. And in 2017, the Quant Network was announced by Gilbert Verdian. This is a versatile man who has worked for all kinds of companies and government agencies.

That same year, Quant filed a patent on their technology. They also have a number of patents in their portfolio for future developments. Verdain, for instance, has worked for Ernst & Young, as well as HSBC, BP Oil and PricewaterhouseCoopers. In the public domain, he has worked for UK justice and finance, the Federal Reserve Bank in America and has worked on information security in Australia. So this globetrotter is quite versatile and flexible. He has also helped define Blockchain ISO Standard TC307 which is already used by many countries as a standard for blockchain development.

Tasca is a blockchain advisor to the EU, the UN and central banks, among others.

During Quant's 2018 ICO, it didn't exactly take a storm. They made 20% of the coins available, but only half of them were sold. They raised around $11 million as a result. The rest was burnt. In total, there were only about 15 million coins, so it is a relatively rare coin. Some of the coins they kept to use for the team, so they could pay for day-to-day operations. Since they weren't exactly swimming in cash after this ICO, they later got support from Alpha Sigma Capital to give them some leeway.

Over the years, they have gained quite a bit of popularity, so they are now a bit more comfortable in the slack. Adding to the team was Peter Marirosans, who is the techie of the company. He has more than 20 years of experience in computer science and his expertise is the latest developments in computers and the internet.

Gilbert has built up so many contacts that he regularly taps into his network and, for example, tries to make Quant the link in setting up CBDC and other facilities for central banks and government.

Quant's use cases

Overledger OS

Quant's Overledger technology allows you to connect all kinds of apps, blockchains, networks and platforms. You can think of Overledger OS as a hub that aims to make collaboration between software and blockchains of all kinds interoperable. Quant is aiming for universal interoperability.

By now, we are familiar with the principle of bridges or sidechains. These try to control the speed and transaction costs of a blockchain.

Overledger wants to be able to connect any kind of software to any kind of blockchain. Do you have an accounting programme and want to connect it to the Bitcoin network? Knock on Quant's door and they will arrange that for you. So Quant has huge potential and valuable technology. It was a smart move of them to have it patented, because this is digital gold.

Their goal explained in one sentence? "To connect the world's networks to blockchains with just three lines of code." They call it an operating system for enterprises.

Quant developer programme

Through their developer programme, they encourage companies to start working with their software, especially if people have little understanding of blockchains.

With their Overledger API (Application Programming Interface), you are able to create any single or multi chain distributed ledger technology (DLT) app without knowing much about blockchain technology or DLT.

You don't need to be an enterprise to create an app for an enterprise, anyone can do it using their API. This app can then be connected to any kind of system, past, present or future.

Changes in DLT or blockchains are commonplace, but Overledger makes sure your app remains compatible at all times. You build it, Overledger maintains it. These Multi Ledger Tokens are widely used by banks, FinTech companies and micropayment platforms.

You don't even have to pay for their software in the beginning. Only when you start scaling up and making money does this come around the corner.

Overledger OS (operating system) costs between $99 and $999 a year once you get up to speed.

You simply download their MDapp (multi chain decentralised app) SDK (software development kit, a kind of simple block box to create software ta), build an app and connect the app to the outside world via their Overledger.

A new version of Overledger comes out about every fortnight, so they are not exactly sitting still there.

Quant is also part of a working group (IETF) working on a new standard for the internet called Secure Asset Transfer Protocol.

They have a very strong finance arm, reminding us that the future of fiat money will almost certainly be on blockchain and will have a big impact. Those who want to work with stablecoins or CBDC have come to the right place.

Quant Tokenise Programme

If you want to start making tokens, you can get started with their Tokenise Program. They have a suite that includes smart contract blueprints that are very easy to create, fast, cheap, secure and flexible.

Their experts have worked on this for years and these smart contracts have been tested exhaustively for security. These blockchain agnostic smart contracts use standard specifications, so the tokens you create can be used on multiple platforms. For example, an ERC-20 token created with their Tokenise can be used on Hyperledger Fabric without any problems, where they exhibit identical behaviour.

Quant Overledger OS layers

Quant has looked closely at the development of the internet. Quant's Overledger technology therefore works on several layers:

TCP - IP is the internet itself, the network protocol or Internet Protocol.

Transaction layer

On this layer, transactions are bundled based on the consensus algorithm in different blockchain domains.

Messaging layer

This layer takes all information from smart contracts and transactions. It also handles communication between applications of all kinds.

Filtering and ordering layer

This is where all messages are processed. Messages sent via a hash to another blockchain are ordered and filtered here. Messages from the messaging layer are connected here, as well as messages out-of-chain.

Application layer

This is where verification takes place. First, it checks whether messages are valid. If they are, a digital signature must be present to execute the command. All kinds of mApps (multi chain apps) send messages on this, so that all transactions can be checked for validity.

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Extra information about Quant (QNT)

Quant tokenomics

Two different tokens are used during a transaction. You need QNT to validate a transaction in the ledger. But because Quant Overledger is an operating system that connects networks, you also need the coin of the blockchains you connect. You also perform transactions on these blockchains, which incurs transaction costs.

The QNT tokens give you access to the Overledger OS. With these, you can pay the licence fees. It is an ERC-20 token and there are up to about 14.6 million tokens in total, so it is a relatively quite rare token. Part of the tokens will be used by the team to pay for day-to-day operations.

Since they have to pay for their software, it is not necessary to generate new tokens every year.

Key partners of Quant

Amazon Web Services

These offer a reliable and scalable method of cloud computing. You can think of servers, software and storage capacity. Amazon operates all over the world and Quant is their technology partner in this.


Quant Network aims to be the best DLT (distributed ledger technology) gateway, connecting the world on-chain and off-chain. Oracle is a global database company offering enterprise software products and therefore an excellent partner for Quant.

They have another whole battery of partners in finance, distribution, sales platforms, too many to mention.

Quant's competition

Actually, because Quant is so unique it has almost no competition. The idea of an operating system for blockchains is quite reminiscent of Microsoft, which put PC operating systems on the map.

Quant is quite ahead of other players who would want to enter this market, which is why we also expect that the lead they have gained with this will be very hard to catch up with on an experience basis.

When existing blockchains want to connect other blockchains, they already have to work with side-chains or bridges and these generally do not work as well as Overledger OS, especially in terms of usability.

Expectation of Quant

Of course, it remains coffee-gazing, but there are clues to what the price of Quant may do.

Quant has maintained its high value quite well. It made a solid run in 2021 and another in 2022. In the bear market, this coin lost much less than other coins. So Quant does seem to hold its value relatively well.

Given the fact that there are so few coins and the maximum number is pretty much on the market, there will be no price dilution due to inflation because of increased supply.

Because of their flexibility and their mission and values, this company is likely to be able to adapt effortlessly to changing conditions in the crypto market.

Because it is such a unique coin, its usage value will only increase. With increasing demand, there will be little choice but to pay a higher price if you want to use their Overledger OS. Our expectations of this coin are therefore high. Perhaps the sky is the limit.

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