What is phishing?

By Anycoin Direct

Phishing will look familiar to you from the world of the Internet, emails and websites. Online cryptocurrency fraud, this form of scam is even more dangerous. The reason why we will tell you about it in this lesson.

Brief summary

✔️ Phishing is online scams in which scammers impersonate trusted sources to steal personal information.

✔️ Prevent phishing by avoiding suspicious emails and links and not sharing personal information via email.

✔️ Use additional security measures such as 2FA to protect yourself from phishing.

What is Phishing?

Phishing literally means fishing. So scammers are trying to fish for confidential information from you that could make them money. Phishing can be done through e-mail, social media, telephone or counterfeit websites.

For example, you may get an email telling you to do something within a certain time frame and otherwise...! Or they say your password has been hacked and you have to change it through a link in the email.

Every time it comes down to the same thing: the scammers try to trick you into entering your personal information or login credentials that they need to rob you.

Once you click the link in the mail you will be taken to a website that looks official, for example the environment of your trusted bank, but secretly it turns out to be a fraudulent website. In fact, if you pay close attention you will see from the name of the web page that it is a fake website. When you see such a case, you can always alert the organization from which you received the phishing emails.

Put the real site of important addresses in your favorites, so you can avoid going to the wrong website.

If you don't pay attention, you can just enter your information and criminals will be watching and can then log in themselves.

Another well-known phishing method is through Whatsapp. A scammer pretending to be an important contact of yours comes with a pathetic story. He needs money now, because otherwise he will be thrown out on the street, thrown in jail, he can't pay for his surgery, in short he has a problem that costs a lot of money and you have to go and pay for it and quickly a little bit! Through Whatsapp, of course, you should never arrange such a thing.

You also sometimes get a call from "the bank." Step by step they guide you to parting with your funds in a very friendly and correct way. It all sounds very reliable. Then again, they are professionals.

What is also more common is that they send fake bills with accompanying text. For example, you can get a letter from "the IRS" saying you still have to pay taxes within two days, or legal action will follow. Pure scaremongering of course, but some people would rather pay than get into trouble.

Sometimes you need help with your crypto adventure. Then you go to a site's help page and ask them for assistance. It can happen more often that you have to deal with scammers this way. You recognize them almost immediately because they start asking for important information like your login details or your seed phrase. If you are suspicious, leave immediately! For example, with a DEX you have no help and support team at all, because everything is automatic.

In general, the best way to guard against phishing is to include an extra security step that only you have access to. For example, 2FA is a very secure method. Even if they have all your login information, they can't do anything without your phone. So be very careful with a DEX like PancakeSwap, because here you are only protected with your password.

What to do against phishing

To combat phishing, it is essential to be alert and take precautions. Here are some tips:

  1. Check the sender's email address: Before opening an e-mail, always check the sender's e-mail address. Be especially alert for suspicious variations or misspellings in the e-mail address.

  2. Be wary of phishing emails: Phishing emails often look like legitimate messages, but contain links or attachments that are malicious. Look carefully at the content and be skeptical if personal information is requested.

  3. Never click on suspicious links: If you doubt the authenticity of a link in an e-mail, never click on it. Instead, check the link by hovering your mouse over it to see the target address without actually clicking.

  4. Never give out personal information via email: Legitimate organizations will never ask for personal information via e-mail. If you are asked for personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers or your phone number, be extremely careful.

  5. Report suspicious emails: If you receive a phishing email, report it to your email provider and to the particular organization whose sender claims to be. This will help protect others from the same threat.

By being alert and thoroughly checking emails and senders, you can avoid becoming a victim of phishing attacks. Taking these precautions is crucial to protecting yourself and your data from malicious actors.

Test your knowledge

Question: 1/5What are scammers trying to fish for in phishing in a word?