How to track your Gulden transaction?
Data related to Gulden transactions, wallet addresses, balances and block contents can be traced back in the blockchain. This data can be accessed, browsed and read through a Gulden (NLG) block explorer. There are multiple ways in which the Gulden block explorer is vital during your cryptocurrency adventure.
What is a block explorer?
The Gulden block explorer functions as search engines to find data on the ledger. Past and current Gulden transactions, balances of wallet addresses, block summaries and more can be found. Block summaries display data from a certain time period, such as the Gulden transactions that were made, the coins rewarded to miners and much more.

What Gulden block explorer does Anycoin Direct recommend?
You can find your Gulden transaction in one of the following block explorers:
Enter your transaction ID, or TXID (which can be found in your order overview) or your wallet address in the search bar to locate your transaction.
How do I use a block explorer on Anycoin Direct?
When you want to buy, sell or trade Gulden, the Gulden block explorer allows you to search through transactions. When uncertain, you can verify that your Gulden are sent and arrived at our wallet successfully. When buying Gulden, you can search the blockchain to see if we already transferred the Gulden.