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What is The Sandbox (SAND) coin?

The Sandbox is a virtual reality world in 3D that runs on the Ethereum blockchain system. It allows them to build, own NFTs and make money from them. For example, players can convert their own builds into NFTs and sell them on the Marketplace. Also, players can develop games that owners of LAND can place on their plot of land which they will pay rent for. The SAND coin serves as the digital currency here and there are 1,499,470,108 coins in circulation, the coin is an ERC20 token and is on the Ethereum network.

Sandbox be compared to Minecraft sometimes, for example, anything can be built, and the world has a block structure. Also, with the scripting system, different interactions with the environment can be programmed, think of a flying plane, moving animals or automatic games.

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Why buy The Sandbox with Anycoin?

With over 14.000 reviews on TrustPilot (average of 4.5 stars) and an official registration with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Anycoin Direct is one of the most trusted crypto services in Europe since 2013.

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Anycoin Vault

The Vault is a safe alternative to the traditional crypto wallet for those who want to buy, sell and swap their coins on Anycoin Direct. Within the Vault you can store all your digital assets and swap them against one another. Still want to send crypto to an external wallet like your Ledger? No problem, the Vault is an additional feature. The choice is yours. 


Balances in the Anycoin Vault, are kept in a foundation. This foundation has only one purpose, to preserve our customer funds. This construction ensures that customers are entitled to compensation in the unlikely event of Anycoin Direct's bankruptcy. In addition, we want to reiterate that we always want to give customers a choice between using the Anycoin Vault and sending coins to an external wallet.

Extra information about The Sandbox (SAND)

Who are the founders of SAND?

The Sandbox is a subsidiary of Animoca Brands and was founded by Arthur Madrid who is now the CEO of the company. He founded Sandbox in 2012 with Sébastien Borget who is now the COO of the company. They released the first pixel edition on IOS which got quickly popular. Today their employees work from the office and many from home. That is why they have employees in France, Argentina, England, United States and even Japan.

How can I store SAND coin?

To buy SAND, you need a place to store them. That's why we at Anycoin Direct have developed the Vault. Here you can quickly and easily store and trade your crypto, also you pay less transaction fees. The Vault is designed to securely store your crypto currencies. Please note that not every coin is immediately available on your personal wallet!

Online wallet

An online wallet can be used to store your purchased SAND. They are often easy to use, and you can store different types of crypto 's here. The private Keys themselves are not available to yourself so you do not have full control over the security of your wallet. Always do good research on the online wallet provider.

Software/Mobile Wallets

With a software/mobile wallet you use a software that you can install. Through the software/ app you have access to all your crypto so long you can access the internet. This form of storing your crypto is often easy and safe, also you can often access your own Keys. Always make sure that the devices used for this method Is always properly secured, so no one can get into your wallet.

Hardware wallets

If you want to store your crypto securely offline, a hardware wallet is the best solution. With a hardware wallet you take the crypto offline and make sure no one can access it. Thus, this form of a wallet always comes with a USB connection, and you can only use it by setting the password.

What can SAND be used for?

SAND serves as the currency of Sandbox, so NFTs can be purchased here that you can use as wearables or attributes made by another player, for example. It can also be used to make other purchases such as Attributes on your plot.

LAND can also be purchased with the coin. To be able to build in the world, you must purchase your own piece of LAND which is then also in your name as NFT. This means that the owner has everything to say about what happens on his "Parcel" of which there are only 166,464. Releasing LAND is remarkably similar to buying land in the real world. So, you can sell the LAND, rent it out and control who has access to it.

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