SAND icon The Sandbox price (SAND)

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Data provided by CoinGecko

What is SAND?

SAND is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum network. The coin is mainly used as a payment method in the Sandbox network as well in-game in the Metaverse. In addition, the SAND token can also be used for purchases NFT's.

Historic ROI
1 year
3 years
Price (Month)
The Sandbox Market
€577 Million
2.4 Billion
Volume 24h
€53.1 Million


It's usable for the Sandbox network in the Metaverse. Use it as barter or purchases in-game or NFTs.

ERC-20 Token

The SAND token is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum network. The token is both a utility and a governance token.


You can earn SAND by playing small games in the Sandbox world.

When is a good time to get in?

The Sandbox statistics from the last 24 hours

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More about the Sandbox price

The genesis of Sandbox and the SAND coin

Sandbox is the latest game from the Sandbox franchise that originated in 2011 with their first game in app on IOS and Android The Sanbox 1 and later The Sandbox Evolution. The latest game is based on the Blockchain network and has developed its own SAND coin.

Price history of SAND

The SAND coin was released in September 2020 with a price of €0.05 cents per coin. In january, the first SAND airdrop took place for owners of LAND (a parcel in the game) as a reward for buying and keeping the piece of LAND. This caused the price to move and double several times.

In November 2021, the company announced that they had raised €93 Million from investors. This news, with a huge bullmarket, caused the price to triple in a month. Soon the price corrected along with the rest of the market.

What is SAND?

The SAND coin is an ERC-20 coin on the Ethereum network. With the SAND coin, purchases can be made in-game, in addition to buying NFTs and earning SAND by playing games in-game.

Milestone: 9.89 trillion trade volume in one day.

On 25 November, SAND reached its highest price at €6.39 per coin. On the day, there was a trading volume of €9.89 trillion with a market cap of €6.69 trillion.

How is the price of SAND coin determined?

The price of SAND is determined by supply and demand. The more people want to own SAND the more expensive the coin becomes.

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