Starting December 30, external transactions on our platform will be disabled. This means you will no longer be able to send cryptocurrency to external sources such as wallets or exchanges. As you may have heard, Anycoin Direct has joined forces with Finst, one of the leading cryptocurrency platforms in The Netherlands. Transfer to Finst to continue using external transactions
How to buy Ripple
We at Anycoin Direct provide you with the possibility to easily buy your preferred cryptocurrency, such as Ripple (XRP), from our wide selection of different coins and receive them in your Ripple wallet. This guide is created to make you understand how the intuitive buying process works on our platform! Do not worry if you still have some questions after reading this guide, our customer support team is more than happy to help.
Step 1
Create an Anycoin Direct account
First things first, you have to create an Anycoin Direct account using the 'register' button on the top right corner of every page. When going through the registration flow, please enter the correct details asked in each step. Now that you have created an account, the Ripple (XRP) purchasing process can begin!
![register on anycoin direct to start buying, trading or selling ripple](
Step 2
Prepare your Ripple (XRP) wallet
After having registered your Anycoin Direct account, the second step is to have your Ripple wallet open and ready. Please check out our wallet overview page to find a suitable Ripple wallet. Remember to double-check the address in order to receive your Ripple on the correct coin address.
![open your wallet to buy ripple](
Step 3
Get into the flow
Now that you created your account and set up your wallet, you can begin your Ripple purchase. Enter the amount of Ripple you want to purchase or how much euro you would like to spend in the blue exchange bar, which can easily be found on our website. Now lean back and enjoy, the flow will automatically take you through the Ripple buying process!
![Exchange bar to buy ripple](