Valerie Overgaauw

Most influential woman in cryptocurrency

In today's article we are going to highlight five women currently working in the cryptocurrency industry. Check it out.

Ted Maas

What is Mt. Gox? How 850.000 bitcoins got stolen

Today we are going to take a history lesson and explain what happened during the infamous Mt Gox hack. The infamous event where approximately 7% of all existing bitcoins were stolen.

Ted Maas
Ted Maas

What is DeFi? A buzzword or the next movement?

DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, has been gathering an enormous amount of attention lately. In today’s article, we are going to take a closer look at this growing phenomenon.

Ted Maas

Our must-read books about cryptocurrency!

We have selected several books ranging from beginner-friendly to the extremely technical ones.

Ted Maas

Part I: Facebook’s Libra ≋ What happened?

On June 18, 2019, the crypto-community was taken by storm with the announcement of Libra. In today’s article, we will recap what the last twelve months have taught us.
