Wallet Verification

What is a verified wallet address?

A verified wallet address is a cryptocurrency address that is connected/added to your Anycoin Direct account. Through our order process, you will be asked to enter your wallet address. Subsequently, you will be asked to verify this address. We will guide you step-by-step through this verification process, where you prove that you are indeed the owner of the provided address. By adding the address to your account, we know for sure that the coins will be sent to you personally.

Why should I verify my wallet address and add it to my Anycoin Direct account?

By adding your wallet address to your Anycoin Direct account, you essentially prove that you are indeed the owner of the address and that you have control over your funds. You can simply pick your wallet address during the order process, once it has been successfully verified.

Adding an address to your Anycoin Direct account is currently not mandatory, but will be soon.

How do I verify my wallet address?

During the Anycoin Direct order process, you will be asked to verify your wallet address.

Select the type and name of wallet that you are using and Anycoin Direct will present you the most suitable option. Our step-by-step flow will guide you through the process.

We have written guides regarding all address verification options which can be found here.

What is ‘Message signing’?

Signing, is a functionality that is built in several cryptocurrency wallets. ‘Signing a message’ is an easy process that proves that you are the owner of your private key, without actually showing or revealing it. So how does it work? By signing a unique ‘message’ with your wallet address’s private key, you create a random set of numbers/letters called a signature. In turn, this signature can be verified by Anycoin Direct.

We have written a guide regarding “Message Signing’, which can be found here.

How do I sign a message in my wallet?

Signing, is a functionality that is built in several cryptocurrency wallets. First off, you need to open your wallet. Navigate to the ‘Sign Message’ feature, which usually can be found in your dashboard menu, settings or tools section. Enter or select your wallet address, copy the unique message (which Anycoin Direct will provide) and click on the ‘Sign’ button. A unique code (which looks like a random set of numbers and letters) will be created after you clicked sign. This unique code is called a ‘Signature’ and can prove that you are indeed the owner of your wallet address. In turn, Anycoin Direct can check this ‘Signature’ verifying that you are indeed the owner of your wallet.

We have written a guide regarding “Message Signing’, which can be found here.

What is the difference between a personal and exchange wallet?

A personal wallet is a wallet where you have access to your private key such as a hardware, software, mobile or full node wallet. An exchange wallet is a wallet where you don't have access to your private key, but where you created an account on an online Exchange (for example: Binance, Bitstamp etc.)

How long does it take to verify my screenshot?

During office hours, we will strive to verify your screenshots within one hour. If you submit your screenshots outside of our office hours, we will verify your screenshot as soon as possible. You will automatically be updated once your screenshot has been verified.

What is a valid screenshot of your personal wallet?

The screenshot needs to relevant, of high quality and should include all requirements. The wallet screen must be fully visible, all edges and corners must be shown. The screenshot must include the currency, your cryptocurrency address and the name of your wallet.

What is a valid screenshot of your exchange wallet?

The screenshot needs to relevant, of high quality and should include all requirements. Your browser must be fully visible, all edges and corners must be shown. The screenshot must include the currency and the deposit address.

Why does Anycoin Direct need to verify my wallet address?

To comply with local regulations we need to verify that you are indeed the ownerof the address you provided on our platform. To check this we have implemented the wallet verification process.