Anycoin Direct 2.0: Why we redesigned our platform
- 3 minute read

Dear customers, partners and all crypto lovers,
With much enthusiasm and pride, we want to announce the launch of our new platform: Anycoin Direct. The name might seem similar, but we can guarantee you that it is one of the only similarities you will discover. Of course, our personal touch, reliable transactions and excellent customer support will be the same as always on this new platform. And maybe even better? But we will let you be the judge of that.
The beginning
So why create a completely renewed platform you ask? Good question; Up until 2017 the cryptocurrency scene mainly consisted out of developers, digital anarchists, decentralized dreamers and tech-savvy people. However, in 2017 this situation rapidly changed. Suddenly, large amounts of new users started entering the cryptocurrency market. At the time, our website was not really built for this large influx of customers. On the one hand due to the technical shortcomings of our platform and on the other hand, because these new users needed more guidance as they had not heard of cryptocurrency before.
A developing market
What was once a small group of people interested in a programmable decentralized currency, has now become a more general audience. A change that was felt throughout the entire cryptocurrency industry. Aspects such as main-stream adoption have begun to play a huge role in the development of cryptocurrency-related services. As the first cryptocurrency broker in Europe to offer a live chat service, we know customer support is extremely important in this industry. To offer this more general audience the same level of support our customers were used to, we knew we had to innovate.
The new design
So, we are proud to finally announce our renewed platform. Instead of a static page, we now offer a step-by-step process that guides you through the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies. We have implemented a more personalized design where you can see our actual employees throughout the website. A smart support assistant offers answers to all the questions you might have on a certain page. On top of this, we now offer in-depth informational pages for every one of our coins. This way you can learn, browse and invest in each cryptocurrency within a trusted environment. Last but definitely not least, our live-chat service offers personal assistance and is there to answer any question that might still be left unanswered.
Enough talking, we now want to formally invite you, the ones that made this all possible for us, to come and discover this new platform with us.
With kind regards,
Julian van der Wijst (CTO), Bram Ceelen (CFO) and Lennert Vlemmings (COO)