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What is Render (RNDR)?

You can often tell a lot by the vision or their motto:

“Our vision is to democratize GPU cloud rendering”.

So they want to display the GPU (graphics processing unit) cloud democratically.

So what does that mean?

They want the display of images on the Internet to be rendered using the Render network in such a way that no central network like Google or Amazon can take advantage of their power and take these images offline, if it is to their advantage.

The Render network is designed to connect users who like to display images (or games etc.) with people who want to use their idle GPU processing power to "render", or enable, this via distributed computing.

To do this, owners use OctaneRender. They do this by transferring RNDR, this network's cryptocurrency, to whoever would like to make a pot of rendering. A small portion of each transaction goes to OTOY, the umbrella organization that keeps the network running.

When someone registers the unused computing power of their vain graphics processor with the Render network, they are known as node operators, receiving RNDR tokens when they do a job and they have probably become a little more vain again. So it's a peer-to-peer network in the vein of Bittorrent or Filecoin, with each GPU providing a share in this case.

The "creators" are the clients and can be found among creators of online games, the metaverse, artists and creators of moving images.

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How does Render work?

Render network is, by its own admission, the first network to transform the power of the GPU into a decentralized economy of connected 3D assets.

A user wants to render something. He asks the Render network project to perform this. To do this, he must pay with the RNDR token. The Render network processes this through a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol calculates how much RNDR this will cost.

The provider of the unused GPU power processes the request through OctaneRender and receives a number of tokens according to the smart contract. Once the contract is fulfilled, the final payment is made and the provider gets its RNDR tokens and the user pays the cost.

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Additional information about Render (RNDR)

Why use the Render network?

  1. Scalability. If you want to deploy GPU power locally to display images you will have to make huge investments that are often unfeasible. Doing it decentrally, through a multitude of locations, makes it all much more efficient, affordable and secure, with no single point of failure.

  2. Dormant GPUs. All the hardware on a phone, laptop and PC includes a GPU. Most of the time, it just sits dormant. And this, while it is the most efficient way to render images. Render network removes this inefficiency from the system.

  3. Better use of the GPU. At Proof of Work, you just sit around puzzling over an arbitrary cryptographic hash, and when you find it, you haven't really done anything at all except consume a lot of power. The GPU power on the Render network is always doing important work: rendering images and chasing photons.

  4. Digital rights capture. The ledger-based storage protocol of the RNDR™ network captures the designs and creations of artists so that their ownership is fixed and they can benefit from their own work. By integrating into the Ethereum network, their time stamp will always fix the current owner.

Opportunities to use the Render network for include:

  • Media

  • Industry

  • Gaming

  • Virtual reality

  • Medically

  • Mixed reality

  • Augmented reality. Reality augmented with virtual features.

The Render Network Team

Jules Urbach is the founder of this network. Before OTOY, he created the first 3D video game platform on the Web and licensed his creation to players such as Microsoft, Disney, Hasbro, Warner Brothers, Nickelodeon, Macromedia and AT&T.

Key team members:

Charlie Wallace, CTO.

Kalin Stoyanchev, head of blockchain.

Joshua Bijak, project manager.

Principal advisors:

Ari Emanuel, CEO Endeavor.

J. J. Abrams, CEO Bad Robot Productions.

Brendan Eich, CEO and founder of Brave Browser and BAT.

Mike Winkelman aka Beeple, graphic artist.

What is OTOY?

OTOY was founded in 2008 by Jules Urbach and Malcolm Taylor. Since then, they have scraped together a team of more than 50 employees. Their base is in Los Angeles, California.

OTOY is a cloud graphics company, pioneering technology that enables content creation and delivery for media and entertainment organizations around the world. Their Oscar winning technology® is used by engineers in areas such as visual effects, designers, animators and artists.

This technique gives users great freedom in creating new levels of realism and economics of it as they create and distribute content through the cloud.

The cloud is beginning to play an increasingly dominant role on the Internet and over time is replacing the PC as the provider of dominant computing power. In this regard, OTOY is taking on the processing of images that consume very large amounts of GPU power.

What is Octane Render?

Octane Render® Is the first and fastest software that correctly sequences images as a GPU rendering machine. So it can scene images that are rendered quickly and with great quality.

Components of this graphics technology include machine learning optimizations, geometric support and raytracing ("photographing" and modifying virtual environments).

With Octane Render, it is possible to build virtual environments from scratch into a movie that looks realistic.

What is ORBX?

OTOY launched ORBX in 2014. It was first intended for internal use in holographic media and interactive content storage with streaming requirements.

ORBX is a 3D file format, which stores understandable computer-generated data of scenes that can be displayed by different media.

It is designed to go far beyond computer imagery. It is capable of 3D printing, video, holography, design and engineering, among other things.

Use of ORBX

Afterwards, ORBX was transformed into an interoperable open format for partners in their fields, such as Disney, Facebook, Mozilla, Warner Bros, Discovery, Samsung and others.

Since ORBX is open source, anyone can use it and it can quickly become a standard in this industry. Mainstream content creators therefore usually make sure ORBX and Octane is integrated into their software.

ORBX is optimized for streaming and the GPU for use in the cloud. Just as MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) became a standard for DVD, Blu-ray and .mp4 video files, ORBX wants to become one for realistic 3D renderings without charging royalties.

Practical consideration

With this kind of thing, it pretty much always goes the same way. In the beginning, everyone works with different formats, but at some point that gets irritating, because you have to install a new program for each format. At some point a standard will come, and that might well be ORBX for rendering 3D images by tracking photons.

Render network from the creators' side

If you want to work with the Render network itself to create videos and such you will have to use their program ORBX on the latest version of Octane Render.

You have a huge number of choices to customize your film. It can all be computer generated, such as space landscapes, but also a film shot with your camera that you want to customize.

Optionally, you can also work with third-party programs such as Cinema4D or Houdini.

You have to buy the Render token and start rendering an end until you are satisfied with the final result. Before you have to pay, there will be an estimate of how many tokens you will need for the render (display) job. You can tinker endlessly with your creation until all parts of the format (size, colors, speed, brightness, and the like) are right and you have a 3D movie that you can show to others.

Tokenomics Render token RNDR

There will be a total of around 500 million tokens at most, of which around 350 million are on the market right now. Since 2023, RNDR, the network's cryptocurrency, has been on the rise and it has now become a perennial top 100 coin.

The RNDR coin can be "mined" by nodes, which display images for payment by content creators who want to display those images.

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