Ted Maas

What is Taproot?

Taproot is Bitcoin’s biggest upgrade since 2017’s SegWit. In this article we will define what Taproot is, when it will launch and how it will benefit the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Tom Verhagen

Crypto and sustainability. Which coins are the most sustainable?

What is the influence of cryptocurrency on the environment? Is cryptocurrency sustainable? Which coins are the most sustainable? These questions will be answered in this article.

Ted Maas

Elon vs BTC – The Aftermath

These past few months, Elon Musk has been heralded as the unofficial spokesperson of cryptocurrency. But last week, several tweets caused a big divide in the crypto community. With some example tweets, we try to paint the picture of the heated arguments, the inevitable backlash and the discussions that followed.

Ted Maas

Why are the current Bitcoin mining fees so high?

In today’s article we are going to take a closer look at what a miner’s fee is and why Bitcoin’s fee are currently so high.

Ted Maas

The must-read books on cryptocurrency – Part 2

Last year we posted an article regarding the must-read books on cryptocurrency. Now that a year has passed, we would like to add six books to our recommended list.

Kevin van der Linden

Elon Musk and his effect on the Crypto Economy

Lately, certain fluctuations can come from the comments and actions of one single man. In this blog, we will tell you why and in which ways Elon Musk has an impact on the crypto world.

Kevin van der Linden

Ten Bitcoin price predictions for 2021

This article shows you the top 10 price predictions of 2021 based on remarkable personalities and institutions in the crypto space.

Ted Maas

What is Mt. Gox? How 850.000 bitcoins got stolen

Today we are going to take a history lesson and explain what happened during the infamous Mt Gox hack. The infamous event where approximately 7% of all existing bitcoins were stolen.

Maddie Goossens

Tracking your Transaction in the Block Explorer

When making a transaction on the Bitcoin network, knowing how to navigate through a block explorer is essential.

Ted Maas

What are dApps?

What exactly are these Decentralized Applications and why are they so important for the future of cryptocurrency?

Ted Maas

Our must-read books about cryptocurrency!

We have selected several books ranging from beginner-friendly to the extremely technical ones.

Ted Maas

The Third Bitcoin Halving - One week later

In this follow-up article we will take a look at the effects of the third Bitcoin halving that took place eleven days ago.

Ted Maas

Bitcoin Pizza Day

Bitcoin Pizza Day is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Let’s go back to May 2010, for those who are unfamiliar with this (in)famous event.

Ted Maas

The 2020 Bitcoin Halving

The third Bitcoin Halving will take place in approximately three days. What is this halving exactly and why does it affect the price?

Anycoin Direct

SegWit activated

Anycoin Direct has implemented SegWit addresses on their platform. Bech32 addresses can now be used to receive and send your coins.
