🎉 Anycoin Direct schließt sich mit Finst zusammen, um die führende europäische KryptoPlattform zu werden

Press Kit

anycoin direct press kit

This kit will provide you with the essentials to kick-off a partnership with us or upgrade your affiliate efforts. Our kit contains logo’s, banner and some tips and tricks on how to use them. For additional information or files please contact affiliates@anycoindirect.eu

You can download all our logos and banners in one handy .zip file here.

Our logos

Click on the image below to start downloading a .zip file containing the different filetypes and sizes.

Promotional Video's

Promo video:

Introduction video:

Our banners

Click on the images below to start downloading a .zip file of all Anycoin Direct banners.

Tips & Tricks

  1. Write a useful review or Anycoin Direct related article for your target audience (original content). Honestly review our platform and evaluate the benefits and pitfalls it has.
  2. Banners used on the homepage of your platform are more effective. Most of your audience enters your website here.
  3. Work with a select few companies, it shows dedication. Be specific to your audience why you work with these companies, instead of other parties.
  4. Contact us at affiliates@anycoindirect.eu if you need any additional materials or have any other questions. For fast assistance, please call: +31(0) 640467196
Please note!

By using any of our promotion materials above, you agree with the terms & conditions bound to the affiliate program.